Lo Interior was created in 2016 in the city of Mexicali, under the creative charge of Lorena Olmos. A company dedicated 100% to the theme of comprehensive design, which includes interior design and furniture. All this in order to provide a service with the highest quality standards. Its vision is to become a leading company in creating innovative and aesthetic solutions, always respecting the needs of customers. In recent years, residential, commercial, corporate and hotel projects have been carried out.

M. Arch. Lorena Olmos
Creative director and founder of LO INTERIOR.

I studied architecture at UABC, where I had the opportunity to apply for a student exchange in Seville, Spain. In 2012, I moved to Mexico City in search of academic and professional improvement, for which I applied for a master’s degree in Architecture and Interior Design at Universidad Anáhuac del Norte. At the end of the master’s degree, she decided to return to Mexicali and founded LO INTERIOR, a company dedicated to interior design, where she held the position of creative director since 2016.

LO INTERIOR is a dream come true for me, but I feel much more grateful because I have the privilege of sharing it with my team, since without them, LO INTERIOR would not exist.

Arch. Laura Lujan
Project manager

Arch. Carlos Márquez
project leader

Arch. Shelsey Berber
project leader

Arch. Fernanda Castillo
project leader

Arch. Angel Pullen
project leader